




About us

Excellence at Every Step, Fueled by Passion!

Culture Making Limited is founded by Hong Kong actors and producers Sandra Ng and experienced producer Vincent Ng. With extensive experience in film and television production and investment, the company is dedicated to expanding in the entertainment and cultural sectors and providing professional artist management services to help build individual artist brands.

With the motto of “Preserving Art, Embracing Diversity,” our company has brought together a rapidly growing team based in Hong Kong, and we are actively expanding into the mainland China and international markets. We have a team of professionals with expertise in various aspects of film production, including film and television advertising, variety shows, short videos, live streaming on platforms, artist management, casting, film production, distribution, and promotion.

In our commitment to continuous innovation and development, we strive to bring unique and exciting film and television productions to the audience. Culture Making Limited will continue to uphold creativity and diversity as core values, presenting captivating entertainment works to the viewers, and advancing the growth of the entire industry.